Bank Promotion Exams

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Mock Test - General Banking

Dur:10 Min   Max Marks:10   Pass Marks:5 Time Remaining:
  Q 1 .  Know your customer policy is to be adopted by all banks vide.
  a)   RBI Act.
  b)   RBI Guideline.
  c)   central govt guidelines
  d)   RBI directive.
  e)   I am not attempting this question
  Q 2 .  The punishment of imprisonment for dishonour of cheques could extend upto :
  a)   6 months
  b)   9 months
  c)   1 year
  d)   2 years
  e)   I am not attempting this question
  Q 3 .  In the CAMEL Ratings “E” stands for
  a)   Effectiveness
  b)   Efficiency
  c)   External Management
  d)   Earnings
  e)   I am not attempting this question
  Q 4 .  Which of the following sectors Basel -II norms relates to?
  a)   Banking
  b)   Capital Market
  c)   Insurance
  d)   Foreign Investments
  e)   I am not attempting this question
  Q 5 .  Name of the First bank to start issuance of UID cards to its staff and customers?
  a)   Punjab National bank
  b)   Yes bank
  c)   Indusind Bank
  d)   Oriental bank of Commerce
  e)   I am not attempting this question
  Q 6 .  Under the banking ombudsman scheme an arbitrator is separately appointed by
  a)   Banking ombudsman himslf/herself
  b)   RBI
  c)   GOI-MOF
  d)   GOI law ministry
  e)   I am not attempting this question
  Q 7 .  Charge created on LIC Policy is ......
  a)   Hypothecation
  b)   Pledge
  c)   Assignment
  d)   Mortgage
  e)   I am not attempting this question
  Q 8 .  In Core Banking Solution, a 'Teller' means: -
  a)   Branch Teller
  b)   Single Window Operator
  c)   All the users
  d)   Automated Teller Machine i.e. ATM
  e)   I am not attempting this question
  Q 9 .  Under CTS-2010 standards of RBI,legal amounts mean amounts in
  a)   words
  b)   figures
  c)   which is different in words and figures
  d)   which is more in words and less in figures
  e)   I am not attempting this question
  Q 10 .  The service provided by HSBC which allows the customer to access their accounts from a PC installed installed at his office or at their home is called ......
  a)   Corporate Banking
  b)    Hexagon
  c)   Personal Banking
  d)   Both a & c
  e)   I am not attempting this question