Bank Promotion Exams

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This website is dedicated to all those who are in search of guide/help for Banks' Internal Promotion Exams.

Through this website, we try to provide a strong plotform for those who desire to move forward rather move upward in their Banking Career through promotion.

I tried to collect maximum resourses from the internet, friends and bankers and provided here in the form of :

  1. Study Material - To improve their knowledge.

  2. Sample Papers - To test their understanding.

  3. Unlimited Free Mock Tests - to improve the confidence level.

  4. Eligibility - To make everyone ready for the exam.

  5. Exam Pattern - To prepare as their the requirement.

  6. A Chat Room - To clear their doubts immediately as and when they have.

In case, I am not online on chat and if anyone unable to find answer to their queries can leave their message to me through the "contact us" page. Let me or other members try to answer them at the least possible time.